Monday 10 October 2011

PPD Preparation for 11/10

1. What major point stands out in your learning of this experience?

2. What one thing would you have done differently whilst there or in preparation?

3. Has it changed your outlook on the business going into your final year?

- A few things I have learnt - when I have a non-free email account, to check I have paid for it... This could have jeopardised any placements or opportunities. (I learnt from visiting professional Ric Bell, he too did the same with his website! Made me feel slightly better, although his situation is much worse!)
- Not to let lack of money/job get in the way of visits and placements - maybe a job and some sort of cash flow would have encouraged me to go places.
- To have more confidence, I was so suprised to have been offered a placement, and to be asked to go back (in a few weeks).

- In terms of the Summer, I wish I had got a job, I can't believe how difficult it has been this Summer - I didn't even get a job at H Samuels in Leeds despite already been working at the Scunthorpe branch for 2 years! 
- In terms of my placement, I don't think there was anything I would have done differently, and there wasn't any way I could have prepped, as my work was given to me on the day, although I did ask Kate beforehand if there was anything I could do in preparation or bring with me.

- It has showed me I would enjoy doing more corporate work, I never saw myself working for a company doing more corporate work.

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